Isolating Vibration at the source
Activity in swimming pools, particularly diving and bombing, can generate high vibration levels in the pool structure. Unless isolated from the building, swimming pools on the upper levels of buildings can be a major source of annoyance to nearby occupants. It is surprising to many people that pool isolation is a consideration for all high-rise residential applications. The pool is designed as a separate structure to the rest of the building, with support and lateral restraint provided by the isolation system, which allows no rigid connections to the building.

C8 Spring Mount Isolation System
Used in critical locations where the pool is located above or adjacent to bedrooms or similarly critical spaces. Spring mounts provide a high level of decoupling from the building due to their low stiffness relative to the supporting structure.
XDRP Spring Mount Isolation System
Used in critical locations where the pool is located above or adjacent to bedrooms or similarly critical spaces. Spring mounts provide a high level of decoupling from the building due to their low stiffness relative to the supporting structure.

SuperShearflex Pad Mount Isolation System
Elastomeric bearings provide high damping and a degree of decoupling from the building structure. Multi-layered pad mounts can be tailored with ease for project specific heights and loading requirements. Typically used when critical spaces are not directly adjacent to the pool.
The high performance multi-plate rubber annular bearings are used to isolate buildings and other structures from external vibration sources such as railway lines, heavy road traffic or adjacent heavy machinery. The annular profile allows for increased isolation performance whilst maintaining bearing stability, when compared to rectangular bearings.

Selection guide
Pool isolation systems require Individual design input for each project. Working with the architect, acoustic consultant, builder and pool contractor, Embelton can provide bearing layout drawings and construction methodology, and (if required) FEA modelling of the deflection under load.